Apply to become a Media Partner

Howdy Partner-to-be! So you are interested to become a Media Partner at the Data 2030 Summit MEA? – Then please start by filling the form below. Our team will contact you once we receive your application.

Media Partner benefits

We work with media partners based on barter agreement. These are the items we usually provide as a part of that barter agreement.

Digital channels:
• Logo and URL on the Data 2030 Summit MEA website
• Logo on the event PDF Agenda
• Announced and promoted on Social Media as one of the Media Partners for the 2024 edition
   Check out the Social Media accounts: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram.
• Announced and promoted via email to our marketing database, mailing list of prequalified data practitioners (mostly from the MEA region)

    Information about you

    Your Full Name (required)

    Your Title (required)

    Your Company (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Information about your Channel

    Media Platform or Channel Name (required)

    Your website (required)

    Your Twitter channel

    Your Instagram channel

    Your Facebook channel

    Your LinkedIn channel

    What Can You provide?